Signed in as:
Signed in as:
K5: Ms. Joanna Champagne
1 - Napper (with attached blanket and pillow)
$10 for field trip shirt
2 - 8 pack Crayola Washable
2 - 24 pack Crayola Crayons
2 - thick Plastic Folders (with
1 - pack #2 colorful/fun pencils
1 - two pack of glue sticks
1 - Clorox/Lysol wipes
1 - pack Baby Wipes
1 - cans Lysol Disinfectant Spray
Hand sanitizer
1 - pack FUN Band-aids
2 - pack Copy Paper
1 - gallon size Ziplock Bags
1 - quart size Ziplock Bags
1 - pack assorted colored cardstock
1 - 8" x 10" stretched canvas
1 - box of Kleenex/Puffs
Wish list:
Small Prizes for Treasure Chest: various toys, party favor toys, small stuffed animals, small games, happy meal toys, blow pops, ring pops, tootsie pops, dum dum suckers, granola bars, animal crackers, chips
First Grade (Mrs. Lauren Dowdell)
$10 for Field Trip Shirt
1 - Primary Journal (half page ruled)
1 - Plastic Pencil Box
2 - Crayola 24 Pack Crayons
1 - Crayola 8 Pack Markers
1 - Pack of Black Dry Erase Markers
1 - Pair of Scissors
1 - Pack of #2 Pencils
1 - Pack of Glue Sticks
2 - Plastic Folders (with pockets and prongs)
1 - Pack of Copy Paper
1 - Container of Clorox wipes
1 - Box of Tissues
1 - Bottle of Hand Sanitizer
Wish List: Small Prizes/ Candy (for the treasure chest), Paper Towels, Magic Erasers, Band-Aids, Baby Wipes, Ziplock Bags
Second Grade - Mrs. Ashley Jeffares
$10 for field trip shirt
1 three subject notebook
1 one inch binder
pencil pouch/box
4 pack glue sticks
8 pack crayola markers
24 pack crayons
2 plastic prong folders (red and blue)
2 packs #2 pencils
1 pack of copy paper
1 pack notebook paper
1 pack black dry erase markers
headphones with cord (not earbuds or bluetooth)
Girls- sandwich size ziploc bags
Boys- gallon size ziploc bags
Wish list: treasure chest prizes/candy, baby wipes, magic erasers, assorted colors of acrylic paint and glitter
Third/Fourth Grade - Mrs. Amanda Jones
$10 for field trip shirt
1 three subject notebook
Pencil box/pouch
1 large bottle glue
4 pack glue sticks
crayola markers
crayons or colored pencils
3 plastic 3-prong folders
2 packs #2 pencils
1 pack notebook paper
1 pack dry erase markers
Headphones with cord (not ear buds or Bluetooth)
Wish list: treasure chest prizes or candy, baby wipes, magic erasers, assorted colors of acrylic paint and glitter
Fifth Grade: Mrs. Karla
- 1 pkg copy paper per student
- $10 for field trip shirt per student
For Mrs. Karla
- 1 pkg WIDE ruled notebook paper
- 1 pkg large blank index cards
- 1 pkg bottled waters
- 1 container Clorox wipes
- 1 roll paper towels
- 3 ring binder
- 2 one subject notebooks
- wooden pencils
- mechanical pencils
- pencil cap erasers
- large erasers
- highlighters
- compass and protractor
6th Grade: Mrs. Jessica
- 1 composition notebook
- 2 Notebooks (wide ruled)
- #2 pencils (1 pack)
- 1 box of crayons
- 1 pack of colored pencils
- 1 pack of markers
- Quart sized storage bags
- 1 pair of scissors
- 1 plastic pocket folder with brads
- 3 pack of glue sticks
- 2 packs of index cards
- Dry erase markers
-1 binder
-compass and protractor
7th/8th Grades
Personal items to keep in backpack
-colored pencils
-glue sticks
-notebook paper
Language Arts (give to Mrs. Addie) :
black sharpies
2 standard white posters
number 2 pencils (for room)
clorox wipes
flair felt tip pens
dry erase markers
Math (give to Mr. Dillon)
-3 ring binder with 3-4 dividers and paper to write on (notebook, copy, or graph paper is ok)
-Calculator with arithmetic and trigonometric functions (TI-30Xa is a good option. More advanced calculators are fine too, but not necessary).
History Mrs. Angela
-2 notebooks
-two composition books
-two pocket folders
-academic school year planner
Science (give to Mr. Everett)
-One inch binder
-Two pocket folder
9th Grade
Personal items to keep in backpack
-colored pencils
-glue sticks
-notebook paper
9th Grade Literature (Mrs. Addie)
black sharpies
2 standard white posters
number 2 pencils
clorox wipes
flair felt tip pens
9th Grade Grammar/Writing (Mr. Dillon)
-Composition book or Journal or Spiral Bound notebook
-dry erase markers
9th Grade Biology (Mr. Everett)
1 3-Ring Binder(or 9 x 11 Spiral)
1 Box(es) of Kleenex® Brand Facial Tissues
1 Clorox Disinfecting Mist (bleach free)
1 Crayola® Colored Pencils, Box(es)
1 Elmer's® Glue Bottle
1 Scissors
1 Hand Sanitizer, Bottle(s)
1 Package(s) of Index Cards
Sharpie® Highlighters
1 Write On Dividers(for Binder)
3 Posters
9th Grade History (Mrs. Angela)
- 2 notebooks
-one pack of notebook paper for class
-one pack of pencils
- 2 folders
-academic planner
10th/11th Grades
Personal items to keep in backpack
-colored pencils
-glue sticks
-notebook paper
-index cards for studying
These students will need to bring a laptop computer to advance to the next level in writing for history and language arts. They can bring one from home or purchase one that they will also use in college. These laptops will stay in their backpacks.
10th/11th History (Mrs. Angela)
-boys: Lysol wipes
-girls: pack of expo markers
10th/11th Science (give to Mr. Everett)
1 3-Ring Binder(or 9 x 11 Spiral)
1 Box(es) of Kleenex® Brand Facial Tissues
1 Clorox Disinfecting Mist (bleach free)
1 Crayola® Colored Pencils, Box(es)
1 Elmer's® Glue Bottle
1 Hand Sanitizer, Bottle(s)
1 Package(s) of Index Cards
1 Scissors
Sharpie® Highlighters
1 Write On Dividers(for Binder)
3 Posters
10th Geometry (Give to Mrs. Tiffany)
-3 ring binder with 3-4 dividers and paper to write on (notebook, copy, or graph paper is ok)
-Ruler, protractor, and compass for drawing (These can usually be found all packaged together)
-Calculator with arithmetic and trigonometric functions (TI-30Xa is a good option. More advanced calculators are fine too, but not necessary).
11th Geometry (give to Mr. Dillon)
-3 ring binder with 3-4 dividers and paper to write on (notebook, copy, or graph paper is ok)
-Ruler, protractor, and compass for drawing (These can usually be found all packaged together)
-Calculator with arithmetic and trigonometric functions (TI-30Xa is a good option. More advanced calculators are fine too, but not necessary).
Literature (Mrs. Addie)
black sharpies
2 standard white posters
number 2 pencils
clorox wipes
flair felt tip pens
dry erase markers
10th/11th Spanish (Only if not leaving for dual enrollment courses)
2 inch binder
1 pack of wide ruled paper
6 packs of index cards
12th Grade
Personal items to keep in backpack
-colored pencils
-glue sticks
-notebook paper
-index cards for studying
12th Geometry (give to Mr. Dillon)
-3 ring binder with 3-4 dividers and paper to write on (notebook, copy, or graph paper is ok)
-Ruler, protractor, and compass for drawing (These can usually be found all packaged together)
-Calculator with arithmetic and trigonometric functions (TI-30Xa is a good option. More advanced calculators are fine too, but not necessary).
12th Science (give to Mr. Everett)
1 3-Ring Binder(or 9 x 11 Spiral)
1 Box(es) of Kleenex® Brand Facial Tissues
1 Clorox Disinfecting Mist (bleach free)
1 Crayola® Colored Pencils, Box(es)
1 Elmer's® Glue Bottle
1 Hand Sanitizer, Bottle(s)
1 Package(s) of Index Cards
1 Scissors
Sharpie® Highlighters
1 Write On Dividers(for Binder)
3 Posters
12th History (Mrs. Angela)
One pack of pens for classroom
Dry erase markers
12th Language Arts (Mr. Dillon)
-Composition book or Journal or Spiral Bound notebook
-dry erase markers
12th Spanish (Mrs. Addie) (Only if not leaving for dual enrollment or work credit)
2 inch binder
1 pack of wide ruled paper
6 packs of index cards
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